The image is taken from the official website of Erginoğlu & Çalışlar Architecture, ecarch.com
Turkey's leading entrepreneurial company Yemeksepeti created sophisticated spaces in the headquarters building with the creative approach by Erginoğlu & Çalışlar Architecture with architectural designs. ASPEN products were preferred while creating these spaces. Let's take a closer look at which products we include. We are pleased to participate in the Yemeksepeti Park and Yemeksepeti Banabi projects with our [SEPERA] Sepera Move, SEPERA RUBİKS SG, and INTEGRA metal suspended ceiling products from our partition wall systems.
Yemeksepeti Park
The office building located in Levent became operational in 2017. The headquarters of Turkey's first online food ordering application Yemeksepeti stands against the monotonous working style. ASPEN and its innovative products make working spaces look modern and spacious. After the Yemeksepeti Campus project, the Yemeksepeti Park and Yemeksepeti Banabi projects completed the interior design project of the office building in about six months, and ASPEN's touches took place on these projects.
Our Products and Yemeksepeti
The design approach of the Yemeksepeti management office draws attention to its exemplary character to other offices. The dynamic interior structure of the office was continued throughout all floors and was created flexible working environments with specially designed amorphous furniture in the space, color concepts specific to each floor, and an open office theme. And, one of the solution partners of the project was ASPEN. SEPERA "RUBIKS SG Modular Cube System", of which all materials from wall to ceiling are produced with ASPEN products, with its self-standing structure, has enabled the office building to create flexible areas with functions such as meeting, study, or meeting rooms.[INTEGRA] Hook-on Plank, which is preferred in ceiling solutions, has closed the uncomfortable appearance on the ceilings with its concealed carrier detail and it provided the ceiling to create a monolithic appearance in the interior.
Hosting a modern design approach, ASPEN offers creative solutions to all dimensions that make up the space and combines the power of modern architecture with aesthetics and functionality. You can take a closer look at the creative solutions we have presented to the products which are we have used in Yemeksepeti Park and Yemeksepeti Banabi projects. By providing integrity to the space, we complete the concepts designed with our products in the projects.
We took part in the Yemeksepeti project with many of our innovative products. We continue to be a preferred brand in projects with our innovative, modern, and high-quality products. As ASPEN, we continue production without slowing down with our values of original design, quality, and product diversity. We add an aesthetic dimension to the design of buildings with our suspended ceiling, partition wall, floor, and LED lighting products. You can visit www.aspen.com to access our wide product range and our articles on current design issues.