
Art, Architecture & Artificial Intelligence: 5 Midjourney Artists with Their Remarkable Designs

Art, Architecture & Artificial Intelligence: 5 Midjourney Artists with Their Remarkable Designs

Nowadays, artificial intelligence applications have begun to be used in every areas of human life. Navigation applications, audible assistances, language translators are all among the conveniences that artificial intelligence brings to human life. Applications that are progress over time are not only limited with these, they continue to help people in areas that require imagination & creativity.

Art and architecture are among these areas where artificial intelligence is used effectively. Creating images, models and musics with artificial intelligence is becoming more popular day by day. The programme called Midjourney, used by various artists, can enable to create images based on texts. It is possible to do creative and extraordinary designs with this program which can visualize anything you can think of.

In the blog article, you can find interesting information about 5 different midjourney artist who produce in the fields of art and architecture with artificial intelligence and their works.

Shail Patel

Indian-based architectural designer Shail Patel is one of the artist who use Midjourney most effectively and create large number of arts. Patel, who uses bubbles and greenery facades in his design frequently, tries to remind childlike curiosity feeling to the adults. He combines art & design in his works that he creates with pushing  the limits of his imagination. You can visit his social media accounts to see his house and vehicle designs where he applied his different ideas.

Joshua Vermillion

Joshua Vermillion who is an associate professor at University of Nevada-Las Vegas and published author, makes remarkable and creative productions in this field with the help of his architectural background. Vermillion, who includes organic forms in his design frequently, uses different colours, light angles and degrees of transparency in his arts effectively thanks to the artificial intelligence. In his most famous artwork which was inspired by the installations at Burning Man, he creates an organic form with tinted-glass.

Hassan Ragab

One of the leading names of the field Hassan Ragab, is a Egyptian architect and concept artist. The artist who more than decade of experience at the field of computational architecture, is known for his extraordinary facades designs. He creates architectural facades with different geometric shapes based on famous dance figures in his art works which have become very popular recently.

Vojtek Morsztyn

London based designer Vojtek Morsztyn, makes a difference with his experience on interior design & industrial design. Working on projects of major brands such as Google, Qatar Airways and Zaha Hadid, the designer has a wide design portfolio ranging from private jets to aircraft design. Morsztyn, who often includes futuristic images in his designs made with artificial intelligence, creates works on transportation as well as architectural works.

Daryl Anselmo

Daryl Anselmo, an art director for games and various new media, is a designer working with companies such as Disney, EA and Zynga. The artist, who does not design buildings; but designs the society and the urban culture he lives in, wants to tell a remarkable story by focusing on the interior elements of the space. He designs elements such as furniture, walls and floors in extraordinary environments by using different colors, patterns and contrasts in his products.

Today, artificial intelligence is starting to become a new way for artists to reflect their imaginations, allowing them to tell their unusual thoughts in different ways. You can check the social media accounts of the artists to learn more about the subject.



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