


Recently, we have been experiencing great changes both in our country and in the world. In this period, which we call the pandemic period, one of the biggest roles falls on our living spaces. Until today, the time we could spend in our homes was limited due to the hustle and bustle of the day, and we started to make major changes in our homes that we closed due to the pandemic. We continue to make our living spaces look as aesthetically pleasing as possible and to evaluate every corner of the house. After the pandemic, as in many areas, various changes and innovations have occurred in the field of architecture and decoration, and they continue to be experienced.

After we switched to working at home, the fact that houses are temporary workplaces, education is conducted from home online, and activities such as exercise are carried out at home have led to a change in the understanding of design and architecture. Many architects/designers designed new spaces and developed new theories in this process. Of course, hygiene is kept in the foreground in the places, each of which is designed in accordance with the social distance rules. In addition to interior decoration in homes, our living spaces are now turning into temporary offices by designing suitable environments for working at home.

This process also raises important question marks about the future of offices. End of offices? Will you always work from home from now on? It is observed that working in the office is still preferred when sociological needs are taken into account while questions such as these are on the agenda.

Of course, there will be significant changes in office design principles, which evolve in line with new needs and requirements, both sociologically and physically. Spatial design criteria, which will inspire employees, enable them to make different connections and gain social experiences, while focusing on adding value to the corporate culture, have already begun to shape the offices of the future.

Building materials, in which design is as important as hygiene, became indispensable in this period. For environments where people spend a lot of time together, such as homes, offices, educational institutions, after the pandemic; Designs that increase efficiency such as air quality of spaces, prevention of noise pollution, hygienic building materials and visual comfort have begun to be made.

Today, while hygiene is kept in the foreground from floor to ceiling; Aspen Integra hygienic ceilings, which offer special solutions for these spaces, attract great attention. Aspen Integra; Thanks to the special processes used on the metal suspended ceiling panel surface, it creates a clean surface against microbes. Thanks to the specially produced antibacterial paint used, Aspen Integra hygienic ceilings with high strength are used not only in homes, but also in areas such as hospitals, health centers, laboratories, education buildings and data centers. EPD certified Aspen Integra hygienic ceilings stand out for designers with their sustainability as well as the aesthetic value they add to the space in the current period.

It seems that both the physical behaviors and spatial design understandings we acquired during the pandemic period will continue as a part of our lives in the coming periods. In the next period, the designers envisage that people will continue their lives in more comfortable and healthy places that comply with social distance rules.

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